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Digital Teacher’s Manuals

The Teacher’s Manuals are designed to help the instructor actively engage students in discussions, activities, and reviews that supplement material found in the textbooks. They are companions to the Didache Series textbooks.

Resources in these manuals include:

  • The student textbook with adjustable font size
  • Detailed lesson plans for each chapter, complete with Anticipatory Sets, Focus Questions, Guided Exercises, Closure activities, and Alternative Assessments
  • End of Chapter Materials, including Long-Term Assignments, answers to the Study Questions in the student textbook, responses to the Practical Exercises, and notes for presenting additional information from the Catechism of the Catholic Church
  • Answers to the Student Workbook
  • Chapter Tests, Quizzes, and Vocabulary Reviews with answer keys
  • Hyperlinks and file attachments that make every handout easily accessible
  • User friendly interface that makes navigation throughout the book easy
  • Universal digital solution that works on all devices such as Windows, Mac, Chromebook, iOS devices, Android devices, tablets, and mobile phones.

    *Note – Internet connection required



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You may preview the first chapter of all of our teacher’s manuals if you have teacher access.


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